This is a translation of the article “Was tun bei …?”. If you want to learn German even faster, we recommend you to read the German-language version.
Being and staying healthy is important, but if you do catch an illness, good advice is very helpful. So let’s improve our German a bit more with the topic “Advice against being sick”.
What illnesses or complaints do you already know? And how can you talk about them?
What remedies help? The home remedies of grandmother and the instructions of general practitioner Dr. Franz support the healing.
But: who says what?
Let’s take another look at the grammar for prompts and advice.
Here you’ll find a summary on the topic of modal verbs and imperative in the form of a short story:
What home cures do you know for what illness? What should you do when you are unwell? Write it in the comments!
More information and links for learning German:
Looking for more material on the topic to help you learn German? Here is a small selection:
- Home remedies for diseases and ailments from NetDoktor
- Material and worksheets on the topic “doctor and health” from Schulbibo
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