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Here you can find our free exercises to learn German for all language levels (A1-C2). All exercises are free of charge and can be used without registration.

We are happy to answer your questions in the comments and look forward to your feedback. We will be happy to help you.

Good luck and have fun learning German!

Spices, spices!

German cuisine is rich in spices – new spices found their way into the pots and pans of the Germans from near and far in the long European history. And even today, new spices are constantly coming into fashion and changing the local flavor landscape.

German beverages

Summer is coming, and 2 liters should be drunk every day. It’s time to talk about popular drinks in Germany, isn’t it? (3 exercises)

Horoscope & Zodiac Signs

Quite a few Germans believe in the horoscope. That’s why you can find predictions for the day or the next week in almost all daily newspapers. Whether this is true or not, you usually find out later. But did you know that you can also learn German wonderfully with the horoscope and the zodiac signs? We’ll show you how! (3 exercises)